Board of Directors

2024 Officers

Gary Lyles President

Lyles Construction Company, Inc.

As President, Gary works directly with Executive Officer, informs Executive Committee and Board of Directors on association matters, plans, prepares and carries out goals and policies, appoints and oversees committee and chairmen of committees, acts as public relations representative for HBAJ, serves as Chairman of the Board and Executive Committee, promotes interest and participation, seeks out new leadership to serve, prepares Vice President for their year as President, is actively involved in HBAJ, HBAM and NAHB events as much as possible.

Chris Allen Vice President

CA Construction

As Vice President, Chris works directly with President in bringing issues to Executive Committee and Board of Directors, works to increase membership, fulfills obligations and attendance as assigned by President, is actively involved in HBAJ and HBAM events as much as possible.

Chip Hutchison Secretary/Treasurer

Kirkland Development

As Secretary/Treasurer, Chip works directly with President and EO relating to financial matters, reviews association finances, including budget, expenses, profit and loss and reports monthly to Exec and Board, assures attendance, votes and meetings are recorded and maintained, establishes the presence of a quorum, is actively involved in as many HBAJ events as possible.

Nick Gullette Builder Vice President

MS Homes

As Builder Vice President, Nick works with Executive Committee and Board of Directors to report and inform issues related to the builder membership, focuses on fostering relationships between builders and associates, prospects builder members on Board to fill next Builder Vice President position.

Kevin Stringer Associate Vice President


As Associate Vice President, Kevin works with Executive Committee and Board of Directors to report and inform issues related to the associate membership, focuses on fostering relationships between associates and builders, prospects associate members on Board of Directors to fill next Associate Vice President position.

Kevin Troyer Immediate Past President

Arrow Remodeling

As Immediate Past President, Kevin is responsible for the Association’s Annual Awards, Installation Banquet, Nominations and Organization By-Laws.

HBAJ Board of Directors 2024

•  Chris Bond
•  JD Carroll
•  Emily Clayton
•  Eddie Duran
•  Wilson Eatherly
•  Kelli Foster
•  Marvin Freeman
•  Mandy Gardner
•  Landry Holloway
•  Allison Impastato
•  Michael Jacobs
•  Kevin Kinkade
•  Ben Lindsey
•  Kevin Lofton
•  Tim McNair
•  Nicholas Meeks
•  Stanley Phillips
•  Wade Quin
•  John Michael Rainey
•  Bobby Rayburn
•  Alex Ross
•  Scott Shoemaker
•  Chris Smith
•  Anthony Thompson
•  Watt Whatley